Wednesday, December 21, 2016

The Magical Intestinal Cleansing Cocktail

Aloha Family,

Today my detox was felt strong. I got up in the morning,  took my hydrogen peroxide, prepared coffee for enemas, did enemas, did my skin rubbing protocol, and drank my magical cleansing cocktail.
This magical cocktail is recommended by many and has powerful colon cleansing abilities.
The recipe is simple. Take 1 tablespoon each of psyllium husk and liquid clay bentonite in 8 ounces of water and drink fast. It coagulates quickly and its harder to drink once thickened.
The clay bentonite is made from volcanic ash and has the ability to pull out heavy toxins in the intestines including heavy metals, toxic fecal, chemical poisons, and parasites. When the clay binds with the psyllium husk, it can easily transport the toxins out of the body. The psyllium husk expands 40-60% and collects lodged fecal matter that hides in the colon walls, including muciod plaque. It's important to get this sludge out that lines our colon because it blocks absorption of needed nutrients.
I have been taking this magical cocktail every morning and every night.
I make  sure to leave 1 hour between taking anything else before or after taking this cocktail. Otherwise the clay bentonite will absorb any nutrients and expell them. So I do not take supplements within that time. It is also imperative to drink lots of water with the cocktail! If I don't drink enough water I can become very dehydrated and have tons of abdominal pain because how much psyllium husk expands. Water helps keep it moving along.
That's all for today my friends. Hope you had a beautiful day. Mine was spent napping and nurturing myself. Like I said detox was strong today, and when that happens, naps are essential.
Sending aloha to you wherever you are!

''Tis the season of health!

Mama T

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