Monday, December 19, 2016

Social Media Detox~ Cleanse your mind- free up your time!

Aloha Family,

So for many years now I've been sucked in the addiction of Facebook and Instagram. I didn't think it was as bad as it was for me until I actually got off. I got off 5 days ago and it seems like an eternity.

The first couple days I would mindlessly click on the apps as I navigated my phone. It was so weird, almost like a routine. I'd quickly shut the window when I did it and say, "that was weird ".

Social media sucks me in and it's like I'm living real time thinking  about my posts, instead of living in the moment of my real life, cherishing my blessings.

I'm slowly, day by day, thinking less and less about the cyber world and all in the matrix of the news and photo feeds. My energy is shifting and creativity is bubblin'. I'm cherishing each moment and staying present. Recording memories in the instabrain in my head and turning Facebook into face to face. The real deal! The Present,  is life's gift and joy.

I'm not sure how long this fast will last from social media, but I do know I'll never go back to what it had become for me and what it did to me. I'll use it as a tool to share for my business, never again to be swallowed in hallow shallow of that energy muncher.

I've been texting friends and family more, making calls and meeting face to face. So call me, if you need me. I'm happy to have a real loving friendship with you.

Love you family! 'Tis the season of Health🌱

Mama T

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