Sunday, December 18, 2016

Give Love freely and freely receive Love~ Spiritual Health

                                                             ~Give Love Tribe~

Aloha family,

Today my cup runs over with joy and gratitude.

Last week a group of sisters and I hosted a fundraiser talent showcase to raise money so we could Give Love to the people that live at the Next Step Shelter in Honolulu. Nearly 300 people live there and about 60 are children.
The showcase was a very special evening. Keiki to Kapuna came to perform and support our mission. Some sang, some danced, and some shared a poem. A local venue called, Hawaiian Brian's let us hold our event free of charge in support of what we were doing. Hawaiian Brian's ROCKS!
We made $332 and it was more than we were shooting for. Some local farmers ( shout out to Green Rows Farms and Honolulu farms) also offered Ulu (breadfruit), Kalo (Taro),  U'ala ( sweet potato),and many fresh greens. It was perfect for the giant
pots of Ital Stew I was making.
We had many offer to make rice, bring fresh fruit, and come share love with our new friends at the shelter. We also had a sweet boy named  Orion, a 13 year old, save his money from making guitar picks. He donated the money to buy art supplies for all the children. We made Christmas cards, bead jewelry, and painted positive messages like "Be kind", "Unity", and  "Blessed". It was a very special day! We even had a brother come and sing Christmas songs on his guitar.
I'm home now, pots are washed, dinner made for my family,  and  now I'm writing about this experience that I will cherish all my days. I pray that this is just the beginning of our Give Love service. It's true you know, when you give love freely from your heart, you always receive an abundance of  love in return.
It's a beautiful truth.
Today was a great day!
Sending love and a giant hug to wherever you are! Count your blessing small and great! Hold on to your blessings. Nurture your blessings so that they are never taken for granted, because each one is a gift!

Love you family,
Mama T
Photos from Honolulu Farm. The farm is deep in Palolo Valley (Oahu). Paul is the farmer that generously gave to our service. Mahalo Paul! Selma is one of my angel sisters who came to help me gather and prep. My car was broken down and back thrown out, and she came to my resue to help make it all happen. Mahalo Selma! Love you!

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