Wednesday, December 21, 2016

The Magical Intestinal Cleansing Cocktail

Aloha Family,

Today my detox was felt strong. I got up in the morning,  took my hydrogen peroxide, prepared coffee for enemas, did enemas, did my skin rubbing protocol, and drank my magical cleansing cocktail.
This magical cocktail is recommended by many and has powerful colon cleansing abilities.
The recipe is simple. Take 1 tablespoon each of psyllium husk and liquid clay bentonite in 8 ounces of water and drink fast. It coagulates quickly and its harder to drink once thickened.
The clay bentonite is made from volcanic ash and has the ability to pull out heavy toxins in the intestines including heavy metals, toxic fecal, chemical poisons, and parasites. When the clay binds with the psyllium husk, it can easily transport the toxins out of the body. The psyllium husk expands 40-60% and collects lodged fecal matter that hides in the colon walls, including muciod plaque. It's important to get this sludge out that lines our colon because it blocks absorption of needed nutrients.
I have been taking this magical cocktail every morning and every night.
I make  sure to leave 1 hour between taking anything else before or after taking this cocktail. Otherwise the clay bentonite will absorb any nutrients and expell them. So I do not take supplements within that time. It is also imperative to drink lots of water with the cocktail! If I don't drink enough water I can become very dehydrated and have tons of abdominal pain because how much psyllium husk expands. Water helps keep it moving along.
That's all for today my friends. Hope you had a beautiful day. Mine was spent napping and nurturing myself. Like I said detox was strong today, and when that happens, naps are essential.
Sending aloha to you wherever you are!

''Tis the season of health!

Mama T

Monday, December 19, 2016

Social Media Detox~ Cleanse your mind- free up your time!

Aloha Family,

So for many years now I've been sucked in the addiction of Facebook and Instagram. I didn't think it was as bad as it was for me until I actually got off. I got off 5 days ago and it seems like an eternity.

The first couple days I would mindlessly click on the apps as I navigated my phone. It was so weird, almost like a routine. I'd quickly shut the window when I did it and say, "that was weird ".

Social media sucks me in and it's like I'm living real time thinking  about my posts, instead of living in the moment of my real life, cherishing my blessings.

I'm slowly, day by day, thinking less and less about the cyber world and all in the matrix of the news and photo feeds. My energy is shifting and creativity is bubblin'. I'm cherishing each moment and staying present. Recording memories in the instabrain in my head and turning Facebook into face to face. The real deal! The Present,  is life's gift and joy.

I'm not sure how long this fast will last from social media, but I do know I'll never go back to what it had become for me and what it did to me. I'll use it as a tool to share for my business, never again to be swallowed in hallow shallow of that energy muncher.

I've been texting friends and family more, making calls and meeting face to face. So call me, if you need me. I'm happy to have a real loving friendship with you.

Love you family! 'Tis the season of Health🌱

Mama T

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Give Love freely and freely receive Love~ Spiritual Health

                                                             ~Give Love Tribe~

Aloha family,

Today my cup runs over with joy and gratitude.

Last week a group of sisters and I hosted a fundraiser talent showcase to raise money so we could Give Love to the people that live at the Next Step Shelter in Honolulu. Nearly 300 people live there and about 60 are children.
The showcase was a very special evening. Keiki to Kapuna came to perform and support our mission. Some sang, some danced, and some shared a poem. A local venue called, Hawaiian Brian's let us hold our event free of charge in support of what we were doing. Hawaiian Brian's ROCKS!
We made $332 and it was more than we were shooting for. Some local farmers ( shout out to Green Rows Farms and Honolulu farms) also offered Ulu (breadfruit), Kalo (Taro),  U'ala ( sweet potato),and many fresh greens. It was perfect for the giant
pots of Ital Stew I was making.
We had many offer to make rice, bring fresh fruit, and come share love with our new friends at the shelter. We also had a sweet boy named  Orion, a 13 year old, save his money from making guitar picks. He donated the money to buy art supplies for all the children. We made Christmas cards, bead jewelry, and painted positive messages like "Be kind", "Unity", and  "Blessed". It was a very special day! We even had a brother come and sing Christmas songs on his guitar.
I'm home now, pots are washed, dinner made for my family,  and  now I'm writing about this experience that I will cherish all my days. I pray that this is just the beginning of our Give Love service. It's true you know, when you give love freely from your heart, you always receive an abundance of  love in return.
It's a beautiful truth.
Today was a great day!
Sending love and a giant hug to wherever you are! Count your blessing small and great! Hold on to your blessings. Nurture your blessings so that they are never taken for granted, because each one is a gift!

Love you family,
Mama T
Photos from Honolulu Farm. The farm is deep in Palolo Valley (Oahu). Paul is the farmer that generously gave to our service. Mahalo Paul! Selma is one of my angel sisters who came to help me gather and prep. My car was broken down and back thrown out, and she came to my resue to help make it all happen. Mahalo Selma! Love you!

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Healing From Within ~ a Detox Journey

The season of health and healing has begun!

Good morning from the island of Oahu. I'm up early with lots of thoughts running through my mind so I decided to write about them and share them with you. 

3 months ago I started on a deep inner cleansing. I wouldn't have believed I needed it, being a vegan, and health conscious person. I eat organic, lots of raw, I fast from time to time, I will do coffee enemas from time to time, I exercise ...but still, I started to see great signs that I could no longer ignore. My first sign was in 2014 and I started to get chronic bladder infections, I truly felt these would be the death of me! I was getting them once a month and antibiotics were a must. This wreaked havoc on my body. I also developed folliculitis on my scalp. It was so painful and causing my hair to fall out in certain areas. I used white vinegar and that took it away, but I knew something within was causing it!  I then started to get acne on my face at the age of 44. The dermatologist said I had rosacea and gave me a topical ointment that calmed it down but did not get rid of it. I also noticed that my once very strong nails were bending and breaking off. I was getting sick more often and would get slammed. I was not the same within and my spirit new. 
I have always used natural ways to fight off infection. Even when I first started getting the bladder infections I tried apple cider vinegar, oregano oil, cranberry, d-manoose, you name it, but none of it worked. 
I did a lot of praying, I knew something wasn't right. I help a lot of people who are healing from sickness by sharing plant based knowledge and recipes. I teach classes called "Eat to Live" throughout The Hawaiian Islands. Health is my passion and inside I was battling an unknown sickness,  I felt it and knew it was there. I knew I needed to start doing something new, I was sick inside. 
So, 3 months ago, with prayer, research and guidance from angels ( I call all the beautiful people that share knowledge and truth angels), my healing began. 
I have known about Dr. Charlotte Gerson and her father Maxwell for some time now. I watched the movies, The Gerson Miracle, and The Beautiful Truth and was blown away by their work and success in treating people with late stage cancer without surgery, radiation, or chemo therapy. I was utterly fascinated! I was also shocked to learn that in America it is illegal for doctors to prescribe anything but surgery, chemo, or radiation when someone is diagnosed for cancer. If they do they will loose their medical license and can go to jail. That's why Charlotte opened a clinic to treat people in Mexico. I watch tons of lectures of Charlotte on you tube too, and she says in medical school, future doctors learn little about nutrition and are told there is no cure for degenerative diseases, you can only treat symptoms with pharmaceutical drugs. She calls pharmaceutical drugs rubbish, and that future doctors are just being trained to be drug pushers. She says that any drug you are given prescribed by doctors, will eventually have side effects that tax the liver and other organs. She states that the drugs only mask the symptoms but will not heal you. Makes sense to me!
Well again, 3 months ago I met 2 angels that shared with me that they have been doing the Gerson Therapy for 2 1/2 years. These 2 folks, a woman and a man, shared their story with me.  The woman ( I'll call  M) is 2 1/2 years free from stage 4 brain and breast cancer, and only did Gerson Therapy. Her regular doctor only gave her weeks to live when he diagnosed her. She shared her journey and talked about the coffee enemas, juices, hypocrites soup, and salads. She also showed me pictures of holes that opened on her body where it looked like black tar came out of her, she said it was the cancer leaving.
I told M about my bladder infections and acne, she looked long and hard at me and said , "The Therapy will help you."
She told me to get the book, Healing the Gerson Way by Charlotte Gerson. I did right away! She said to use light roast coffee for my enemas, and it must be organic! She recommends Whole Foods Allegra brand~ the light roast breakfast blend. I got it! She also said it's very important to drink 3~8ounces of juice for every coffee enema one does. People in cancer treatment at the Gerson clinic do 5 enemas a day. M was doing 9, when she first got diagnosed, now she does 3 for maintenance. 
I decided I would do 2 a day. That means I'm drinking 48 ounces of fresh, made in my auger juicer, carrot (mostly carrot) apple juice. This must me organic!
I also started taking CoQ10, 250mg Niacin, and B12, all recommended by Gerson. 
Oh and I gave up drinking any form of caffeine. I really only had Kombucha and Yerba Matte tea. But I stopped that. Only place caffeine was going, was up my butt.
When I was 2 months in, I started to research more, I started to see a lot of people who use food grade hydrogen peroxide to kill off parasites in their bodies. I watch a lot of Dr. Cassar YouTube videos for years now. My husband showed me him and he's a detox champion! He talks a lot about parasites and that everyone has them. He talks about terrain modification, changing what we put in our bodies, so the parasites leave because they don't like what they're being fed. See they thrive on sugar, fat, rotting meat in our gut, and processed food. So I thought naw I don't have parasites! I've changed my terrain long ago. 
Well anyway, being 2 months into coffee enemas, and juicing, I decided to give the hydrogen peroxide therapy a whirl. Many explain that the 35% HP must be diluted to 3%. I found a pure one already diluted at the health food store. (I'll post a picture). It's recommended to start with 3 sprays and increase a spray a day until you get to 25 sprays. Then you stay at 25.

On the 3rd day of this therapy, I passed a giant foot long worm! (Picture below for non squeamish ones) I couldn't believe it! I'm now a month into the therapy, still doing juice, coffee enemas and water enemas to flush worms out. Yup worms! When there is one, there are more. I have the Ascaris roundworm and tons of candida. Worms have been coming out of me every day for a month. 
It's funny, because some I share my journey with will say, " I'm so sorry that happened to you", and I reply, "they're in everyone". I truly believe that many if not all degenerative diseases are linked to parasites infections. Those buggahs don't stay in one place either , they move all around your body. They also multiply like crazy, laying up to 200,000 eggs. 
I'm going to share my healing journey in this blog. I will post some links to articles, and would be happy to answer any questions anyone has. I'm not a doctor, I just follow doctors who make sense to me, as well as ones who have overcome sickness. I am in this to win and  heal! It's  the  season of Health! Sending love your way!


 Mama T